
Configuring State Entity Ranges in Home Assistant for Airlytix

Airlytix provides various configuration entities in Home Assistant, allowing you to customize the thresholds for state entities like 'Good', 'Fair', and 'Poor'. This guide explains how to configure these thresholds.

Configuration Entities and Their Purpose

  • Ambient Light Offset: Adjusts the baseline level for ambient light readings.
  • CO2 Fair/Good Max/Min: Sets the upper and lower limits for the 'Fair' and 'Good' CO2 quality ranges.
  • Humidity Fair/Good Max/Min: Defines the ranges for 'Fair' and 'Good' humidity levels.
  • Humidity Offset: Adjusts the baseline for humidity readings.
  • NOX Fair/Good Max/Min: Determines the 'Fair' and 'Good' ranges for NOx levels.
  • PM <10µm, <1µm, <2.5µm, <4µm Fair/Good Max/Min: Configures the fair and good thresholds for particulate matters of different sizes.
  • Temperature Fair/Good Max/Min: Establishes the fair and good temperature ranges.
  • Temperature Offset: Adjusts the baseline level for temperature readings.
  • VOC Fair/Good Max/Min: Sets the fair and good thresholds for VOC Index.

Tips for Configuration

  • Understand the Environment: Know the typical ranges of these parameters in your environment to set realistic and effective thresholds.
  • Consult Guidelines: Refer to environmental health guidelines to understand what constitutes 'Good', 'Fair', or 'Poor' air quality.
  • Regular Review: Periodically review and adjust these values based on changes in your environment or updated health standards.

By fine-tuning these configuration entities, you can tailor the Airlytix system to accurately reflect the air quality and environmental conditions of your specific setting in Home Assistant.